It’s raining awards for Shahid Kapoor this season. The actor wowed everyone with his extraordinary performance in Haider and now, we all are awaiting his next film Shandaar with bated breath. Plus, the upcoming movie will also mark the on-screen debut of his sister, Sanah Kapoor. And guess what? His brother, Ishaan Khattar is also gearing up to make his presence felt in Bollywood.
Reportedly, the youngster is currently working on the Shahid-Alia Bhatt–Kareena Kapoor starrer, Udta Punjab. It seems Ishaan managed to bag this project without any help of his elder brother. Naturally, his big bro is quite proud of him and is excited to be working with him. Considering actors like Ranbir Kapoor, Varun Dhawan and Sidharth Malhotra had commenced their career in Bollywood as assistant directors, we’re sure Ishaan will soon find his way to the celluloid. Yay! Make way for yet another hottie on the block!