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Nargis Fakhri Has New Hair, But There’s More To Come!

Nargis Fakhri Has New Hair, But There’s More To Come!

Devanshi Kapadia
Nargis Fakhri
Instagram | @nargilove

Yesterday was definitely a good hair day for Nargis Fakhri. The actor and model gave our favorite salon,


Blunt, a special visit and chopped them locks off! So, umm, we guess ‘The Year Of The Bob’ is still going strong! Isn’t it?

Instagram | @nargilove

Looks like it’s the perfect cut for wavy hair. I’ve got wavy hair and now this is really making me contemplate: should I make the cut?


Blunt hair expert, Michelle, gave Nargis this hair. But that’s not it!

Instagram | @nargilove

Earlier today, Nargis shared this snap on Instagram with the caption ‘Just woke up. Headed back to #Bblunt for a little #Spring/Summer color… Hmmmmm what color shall I be? Blonde? Lol.’ Whoaaa! We would really love to see Nargis try a crazy new color. What do you think? Should she go blonde?