Vishal Karwal‘s character Rajveer Singh is a very popular one on Jamai Raja. RV’s character was introduced to create a stir in the Roshni-Sid relationship and he managed to do that very well, while also garnering some serious fan attention. However, the RV track is coming to an end on the show. Interestingly, Rajveer’s character was originally planned for one month only, but because the audiences loved him so much is why it was extended.
So RV will kidnap Roshni (Nia Sharma) and Sid (Ravi Dubey) along with DD (Achint Kaur) will reach to rescue her. A fighting sequence will follow which will end in DD shooting Rajveer.
Whoa! Dramatic, right?
While, fans have filled social media with ‘We Will Miss RV’ sentiments, Vishal posted the following status on his Facebook.
Check it out!
Aww! Will you miss RV on the show? Tell me in the comments below!