We recently spotted the beautiful, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan with hubby, Abhishek Bachchan and the rest of the Bachchan family at the Rashtrapati Bhavan in New Delhi. Amitabh Bachchan received the honor of a Padma Vibhushan last week and the whole family was present to support Big B. As per usual, the Bachchan Bahu was glowing in a peach-y, orange salwar suit from Abu Sandeep, and flawless makeup. So, I decided to recreate the look that is suitable for everything from desi functions to a fun night out. We can never go wrong with winged liner!
1) The Base
Use a heavy duty foundation like M.A.C Studio Fix for flawless coverage. Use a stippling brush to apply it with a light hand, so it doesn’t look caked up.
2) Blush & Bronzer
I used Bahama Mama by The Bomb for the slightest bit of contouring on my cheek bones, the sides of my nose, and around my hairline. I used a peach blush on my cheek. Make sure you have no harsh color or lines because Aishwarya’s look is very natural.
3) Eyes
I filled in my brows using an angled brush and light brown, matte eyeshadow. Aishwarya’s brows aren’t too thick, so make sure you don’t go brow happy. I used a Maybelline Gel Eyeliner to draw a medium-thick line on my lids, which I winged out at the end. I connected my wing to my lower lash line, filling the lower line halfway through.
I used a shimmery, brown eyeshadow (not copper) all over my lid, bringing it up to my crease and blending it out for the slightest smokey effect. Of course, finish off with copious amounts of mascara on your bottom and top lashes.
4) Lips
Apply copious amounts of a nude/brown lipstick (depending on your preference) onto your lips. Then, go over your lipstick with clear lip gloss. Make sure you aren’t using a gloss or lipstick with glitter particles… aaand voilà, you’re all set to go!
Quick tip: you might want to use a primer before makeup application and finish with setting powder, especially in this weather!