Sunny Leone has been doing the promo rounds for her upcoming release, Ek Paheli Leela and obviously, we’ve got an eye on fashion from all over Bollywood. For this particular event, Sunny opted for a somewhat “Desi Look” in an Indo-western lehenga by Shilpa Reddy.
While we like the hair, makeup, and the outfit… we really wish Sunny would do away with those long, dangling earrings that are taking away from the work on the jacket. Yes, I said jacket because that jacket is attached to a cape!
THIS is exactly why you had to see the back of Sunny Leone’s outfit. It’s probably my favorite part of the outfit. It’s a party in the front and surprise in the back! Plus, the high-waisted lehenga really makes her curves look WOW. After this look, we’ll be on the lookout for what she wears next, that’s for sure!
What do you think of this Shilpa Reddy outfit?
Pix: Viral Bhayani For MissMalini