So before fashion week began, we set out to curate something editors and bloggers would love to have, just to survive the week. After weeks of coordinating, we finally narrowed it down to products that really fit the bill when it came to what to include. We already showed you phase one of our amazeballs kit, but we just couldn’t get enough. So of course, we added to it, and made it even better! Here’s what else went in.
M.A.C Cosmetics
You know how much we’re raving about our M.A.C products, right? They’re amazing and we absolutely <3 them. We figured everyone else does too and added some kick ass lipsticks, eye shadow and khol pencils (because we know you can never have enough of those babies).
You da best M.A.C!

Za Collagen Cream
Everyone just wants to look younger, it’s a fact, amirite? So when Za sent across their collagen creams for our kits, we felt like we found our personal fountains of youth. Ain’t nobody sayin’ no to some younger looking skin!

innisfree Refreshments
Face it, no really, no one has time for sweaty, glistening skin. innisfree’s wipes and napkins seemed like the perfect fit for the kit. Psst… a few lucky ones got their facial mist as well – no sweat AND stay fresh.

Bblunt Dry Shampoo
If you’re anything like me, you hate taking that trouble to wash your hair every other day. It just takes so long! Dry shampoo is the answer and
blunt knows it! It’s perfect for when you just want your hair to last those few extra days without washing.

It’s safe to say that all our editor and blogger friends were over the moon with their goodies, after all, every product was a complete lifesaver! For fashion week and otherwise!

Stay tuned, we might have a few products left and will be giving you a chance to WIN these babies!