One of the most celebrated divas in Bollywood, Kareena Kapoor seldom ceases to make us swoon. Right from her desi girl-next-door look in her debut film, Refugee, to her PHAT (Pretty Hot And Tempting) avatar in Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham – Bebo has always rocked each of her on-screen appearances. Plus, how can I not mention her sultry look in Tashan and her fun Bhatinda ki Sikhni avatar in Jab We Met? After all, these are easily two of the most remembered characters played by her. Clearly, her on-screen looks always manage to catch our fancy!
So considering the gorgeous heroine is soon going to be seen in Gabbar Is Back opposite Akshay Kumar, everyone has been waiting with bated breath to see her new look in the upcoming flick. And it’s here! Check it out.
It seems she will be donning this outfit in a song, Teri Meri Kahaani, in the flick. Sporting a hot pink kurta with denims, Bebo looks rather stunning here. The chunky jewellery, kohled eyes and side-swept hair add spice to her appearance. We are quite liking her Indo-Western look. But we can’t help but wonder what’s with those boots!
Yay or nay – what do you think, guys?