Our very own Prince Charming, Fawad Khan is ready for a complete image change for his next Bollywood film. This Pakistani actor became a huge hearthrob after Khoobsurat, maintaining his ‘one woman man’ image. But he’s changing his ways for Reema Kagti’s film.
According to a leading daily, initially, Kagti had decided to cast Saif Ali Khan in the role of a womanizer who cons women into falling for him and then extracts money from them. However, Saif opted out of the project due to remuneration issues; and many actors were considered for the role thereafter. But now the team has zeroed in on Fawad.
Even though the concept of the movie seems familiar, we are hoping that since Reema is the director, the film will have something new to offer. Of course, Fawad will be the prominent novelty here! What do you guys think?