Kareena Kapoor recently launched the delicious Magnum in Delhi and Kolkata, posing against a Royal Magnum-on-wheels that will be seen bringing the premium ice-cream brand closer to consumers. Kareena called Magnum the ultimate pleasure, saying that every bite of Magnum ice cream is the biggest indulgence – and boy, we believe that! So because Bebo is the ‘pleasure‘ ambassador for the ice cream brand, here are 5 reasons that prove Kareena and Magnum have far more in common than we thought! Check it out.
1) They’re both royal
You can call her Queen B and baby she’ll rule! And Magnum, well, it’s made with the finest Belgian chocolate mankind has ever consumed. Their tagline is “the royal treatment” and Kareena is literally royalty (aside from being the Queen of Bollywood), so, you know, it goes together!
2) They’re both edgy
She may be one of the most popular actresses, but Kareena also has that little edge to her – just like Magnum! Both have something a little unexpected about them – for Kareena, it’s her unorthodox choice in films; for Magnum, it’s probably that crackle when you first bite into a bar!
3) They’re the most popular
Most popular ice cream, most popular actress… match = made.
4) They’re always in demand
The demand to see Bebo and the demand to eat Magnum will never go down! Saif Ali Khan is the only lucky guy who gets to have both.
5) They’re both so tempting
Do we REALLY need to elaborate?
Hungry for more, aren’t you? Take a break and bite into the delicious Magnum now!
Check out their Facebook page for more details!