Renowned filmmaker Subhash Ghai recently attended the launch of photographer Sharvee Chaturvedi‘s unique 2015 calendar, titled ‘Bollywood Tomorrow‘ based on the theme of ‘life in a dot’. Since the calender features several rising stars of B-town, the director left no stone unturned when encouraging them. And as we all know, Mr. Ghai has launched several newcomers in the past and is one of the very few filmmakers, who never shies away from giving youngsters a chance.
So we decided to catch up with the man himself to reveal 6 tips that all you aspiring actors out there should pay close attention to!
1. Look humble even if you are not!
2. Be confident but not over confident. So remain firm and silent. It’s important to listen more than you speak.
3. Always praise employers BUT with specific points about their merits or you will fall flat.
4. Work more on your language and body language as opposed to just working out at the gym!
5. Work on your talent more than marketing yourself. No one cares for a newcomer’s marketing status. You must impress in an audition or while pitching a story.
6. Make your presence felt anyhow. But overdoing it will send you back to your city!
Considering Mr. Ghai is the man who spotted talent in Manisha Koirala, Mahima Chaudhary and Madhuri Dixit – we don’t take what this director says lightly!