If common friends are to be believed, Sonakshi Sinha and Arjun Kapoor have called it quits! The two had a really hush-hush relationship during the making of Tevar and even the days leading up to its release. Sonakshi was even spotted cheering for Arjun during the AIB Roast, and those who were present said it was evident that they were into each other. However, for some reason, the two have decided to part ways – but it seems that the split is amicable and there are no hard feelings as such.
Earlier, Sonakshi had tried to make things work with Shahid Kapoor, but I hear that, when it came to committing, Shahid developed cold feet. Thus, they split – but unlike Arjun and Sonakshi, this wasn’t a very amicable parting. From what I hear, things aren’t that cordial and the two are no longer in touch.
As for Arjun and Sonakshi – doesn’t look like the two will be working together in the near future, considering Tevar didn’t do well at the box office. However, Arjun’s sister is extremely fond of Sonakshi, and the two have become quite friendly. So that, at the very least, is something! Here’s hoping that these two don’t get bitter about the entire experience and manage to stay friendly in the long run!