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Unconditional Love: Real People Share Their Real Stories

Unconditional Love: Real People Share Their Real Stories

Sheefa Gilani
Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling ( Source | @Tumblr )

Earlier today the gorgeous actress Nargis Fakhri posted a quote on Instagram, that really got me thinking. She posted,

One of the most courageous decisions you’ll ever make is to finally let go of what is hurting your heart and soul.

The question here is how many of us really believe in unconditional love? I recently did a post on 10 things that I learnt about love in 2014 and one of them was discovering the fact that unconditional love truly exists. And guess what?! I’m not the only one. Yes, people have different perspectives but I am a sucker for love and would do anything to spread just a little more love in the world. What might interest you is what these 10 people have to say about unconditional love. Real stories, real people.

1. Some people have it figured out all wrong.

A dear friend of mine, Devang Jhaveri, who is the sole reason I started believing in unconditional love says,

True love is unconditional. It should surpass all flaws and look through them, as beauty is in the imperfection and perfection is overrated anyway. Hence, striving to be perfect brings out the best in you.

I totally agree. You are boss!

Unconditional love

2. Love is a two way street.

Boss lady, MissMalini, truly describes how ‘to love is to be free’. She exclaims,

“The greatest thing you’ll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.” And I learnt that from Moulin Rouge! The fact is that unconditional love only exists between people that more than love, really really LIKE each other. That’s when you give love freely & happily, without hope or agenda.


3. Nobody said it would be easy!

This person I know (you know who you are *winks*) looks at it in a rather twisted way. He says,

Even in the most unconditional form of love, we hope that it is returned in kind to varying degrees. You unconditionally love someone only because you think, the more you give, the faster you might get back. So who knows? However, one thing is certain – It’s also unconditionally painful.

The Notebook ( Source | Giphy.com )

4. Let love go if it makes them happy.

Karishma Mehta of Humans Of Bombay is spreading love one step at a time. She says,

I truly believe that unconditional love does exist as opposed to people only wishfully thinking about it. Unconditional love is when you can place the person before you, selflessly in any and every situation. It isn’t binding or forceful, it exists even if the other person doesn’t necessarily feel that way – all because you’d do anything to see them happy.

Karishma Mehta ( Source | Facebook.com/KarishmaMehta )

5. That thing about extraordinary love!

Jewellery designer and former fashion assistant at L’Officiel India, Natasha Adnani is all about extraordinary love. She believes,

Unconditional love is love without an exception, love without expectation. Love like you know it’s the only thing that’s going to deliver undeterred happiness and at the end, isn’t that all we want?

Natasha Adnani ( Source | Facebook.com/NatashaAdnani )

6. For some it’s an incredibly philosophical thing.

My best friend Aalia Kashmir doesn’t express a lot but I guess when it comes to love she makes an exception. Read what she has to say.

I think there are a billion things that we deal with on a regular basis that are ordinary and love just can’t be one of them. Extraordinary love is unconditional love. If you love someone under any circumstance, that’s unconditional love. So I guess my thoughts on it are – if you’re going to love someone, do it unconditionally.

Aalia Kashmir ( Source | Facebook.com/AlaliaKashmir )

7. The idea is to make love stay.

The thing about Bhargavi Kampani is, she truly makes you believe in having the courage to trust love one more time. She says,

That’s love in its truest form, anything but unconditional love is just pseudo love based on favourable circumstances and eventually fades away. It’s the hardest to find, but the easiest to keep.

Bhargavi Kampani ( Source | Facebook.com/BhargaviKampani )

8. That thing about perfect love!

Sometimes you just don’t get it and that’s okay! Bollywood blogger at MissMalini, Rashmi says,

Maybe I just don’t fully GET unconditional love, but the concept doesn’t sit right with me. It kind of implies that love has to be perfect all the time, which it just isn’t – and shouldn’t be. To me, it would mean a lot more if you loved me conditionally – for the person I am and the things that I do – rather than because you feel you’re SUPPOSED to love me.

Rashmi from MissMalini

9. Love was meant to shine.

Bollywood and romance blogger Swagata at MissMalini will make sure above all, you love. This is what she has to say,

“Her laughter is his favourite song. So he laughs with her to sing along.” THAT is my idea of unconditional love. Unconditional love is finding hope in hopeless romance. With time, I have realised that the butterflies in your tummy will not stay there forever and the so called ‘honeymoon period’ will end one day. But a piece of you will always belong to that certain someone, in more ways than one. THAT is irrevocable love.

Swagata Bollywood and romance blogger MissMalini

10. Be yourself while you love.

Karishma Jogani, a young entrepreneur, truly believes that the best love is the kind that awakens the soul. When asked what unconditional love meant to her she exclaimed,

When you put that person before you in every way possible. That is unconditional love for me.

Karishma Jogani (Source | Instagram @Karij5 )

Aren’t these thoughts beautiful? They open up a new perspective about love. As far as I am concerned, I strongly believe in the words,

No one ever said, ‘soulmates last forever.’

Sheefa Gilani

Like I always say, what’s meant to be, will be. Let your love grow stronger and bolder, one day at a time.

Love and Light.