Sunday was expected to be a big day for Shilpa Shetty. She was supposed to be on stage to collect an award for herself. However, at the very last minute, she had to cancel her trip to Dubai as the actress was rushed to a hospital after a continued bout of illness. Our source informed us that:
“She had her bags packed with all travel arrangements well in place. However, over the weekend she started feeling really low. Though she first passed this off as symptoms of fatigue, there was a scare in the house when she started bleeding from the nose. This is when she was immediately dashed off to a hospital.”
There were alarm bells ringing for over a fortnight but Shilpa thought that this too shall pass. She was to be in Dubai for the GR8 Women Achievers Awards where she was chosen as the winner of the ‘Style Icon and celebrated Entrepreneur for Health & Nutrition’ award. Our source also tells us:
“Ironically, it was her health that went for a toss although she did step out of the hospital after spending a night there. She is currently on strict medication. She has to pay a few more visits to the hospital for treatment.”
No one is willing to divulge much on what has really gone wrong with Shilpa though the ones closest to her insist that there isn’t anything overtly serious and medication should ensure that she is fit, up and running in no time.
When contacted, Shilpa said;
“Yes, I was unwell. I was really looking forward to attending the event but due to unavoidable reasons I had to cancel my plans. Of course, health is of paramount importance, though I am positive to recover 100% in quick time.”
That’s the spirit, Shilpa!