Now at MissMalini, we don’t celebrate Christmas the “normal” way. Yes, there’s Secret Santa and a tree and all. But our office Christmas wouldn’t have been Christmas without a trip to a bar. Before you start thinking we’re just a bunch of alcoholics, we don’t do this THAT often. Just the occasional wrap party, Sula offsite, Halloween party, dress up parties… Uh, maybe I should stop. Harry’s in Juhu had us come over and celebrate Christmas with them and with the decor, drinks, starters and well us, it was everything Christmas should be! Just take a look…

We started out with some groundnuts just lining our tummies for some of Harry’s yummy happy juices (I mean drinks). Then came the cheesy nachos, prawn starters and crispy potato wedges.

Of course we didn’t act like boring office-y people, we played some super fun drinking games. Everything from Chinese Whispers, Dumb Charades, Kings and some I really cannot remember now (oops).

Here’s what some of the food looked like, incase you were wondering. Also it’s lunch time now so I figured this was a good idea (Hee Hee).

Of course the Harry Potter nerd in Rashmi took this snapchat and I HAD to put it here…

Sorry, couldn’t resist!
P.S. Did I mention we really enjoyed our Harry’s special drinks?

So all in all, our Christmas was filled with presents, drinks, food, super fun company, drinks (Oh wait, I already said drinks didn’t I?). Thank you Santas (yes, we had two), we really did have a super, fantabulous, amazeballs Christmas!

Click through some of our photos…

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu

Team MissMalini’s Christmas at Harry’s Bar, Juhu
You can follow Harry’s on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram
Address: 14, Silver Beach Estate, AB Nair Road, Opposite Juhu Post Offfice, Near CBTL, Juhu, Mumbai