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Aww! The First Photos Of Imran & Avantika Khan’s Baby Are The Cutest Ever!

Aww! The First Photos Of Imran & Avantika Khan’s Baby Are The Cutest Ever!

Team MissMalini
Imran Khan and Avantika Malik
Imran Khan and Avantika Malik

Oh Instagram! How we love you :). Once in a while, when we’re at work, we tend to do some celebrity stalking (oh please, you know you do it too!) and sometimes we find absolute gems. Like today, in the midst of all the snooping, we landed upon Imran Khan‘s lovely wife, Avantika Malik Khan‘s Instagram page. We’re not sure how long she’s been on the social media platform but a little while ago she put up pictures of Imran and her sweet little girl, Imara Malik Khan. Take a look at the first one…

Avantika Malik Khan & Imara (Source: Instagram | @avantika_khan)
Avantika Malik Khan & Imara (Source: Instagram | @avantika_khan)

And that’s not all, she put up another one recently and the baby can already sit on her own. Awww!

Imara Malik Khan (Source: Instagram | @avantika_khan)

How precious is she! We can’t wait for more photos of her, you know how much we <3 baby photos, right?