Yes, yes … at this point even my grandmother looks up at me when I take selfies to excitedly tell me she knows what a selfie is, then tell me to stop taking so many, and then asks to join. Really, you know that’s when the world has had an overload of selfies. And what are those selfie sticks all about? How are people allowed to walk around airports and sit on roller coasters with them? Isn’t that a you’re-going-to-hit-someone-on-the-head hazard? But hey, Team MissMalini can’t really complain about this selfie business (the proof is here and here), but we can figure a way to give some hilarious responses to the all this selfie-taking, as told my memes!
1) When You Realize The First Photograph Was A Selfie

Mind is blown.
2) When “Models” Take Too Many Selfies

So, you’re a model … it seems. Pshhtt…
3) When People Upload Selfies With Poetry And/Or Meaningful Lyrics

W-T-F, yo! That makes no sense.
4) The Image Says It All

Oh, Lord!
5) When You Put In A Lot Of Effort For That Selfie

And you’re like, “mine is the best,ok?”
6) When Too Much Duck Face Happens

Hmmm … Never thought of it like that.
7) People Who Need To Take A Selfie For Everything

… Like every situation.
8) When You Get Disturbing Thoughts About Selfies

Could it be?
9) When Girls Think That They’re Beyoncé

Naa ahh, girl… just no.
10) Just This

Really now?
11) When People Are Antisocial And Take Selfies Instead

I will shoot you!
12) James Franco

Self-ie Obsessed.
13) Selfie Level: Creepy

Uhh … what?
14) Gym Selfies

15) Photobombs

Don’t ruin my awesome selfie!
I’m really embarrassed to admit that I might just be guilty of a few selfie crimes. Now that I’m done admitting that, I’m going to go hide under a rock. Feel free to tell us what selfie behavior you find the most annoying, or just reply with a meme!