Um… sometimes when I write blogs with lists in them, I work on the entire body and points and then write the introduction. That usually works very well for me, but not in this case because I’ve just seen so many photos and gifs of Fawad Khan that I have literally died. And usually I hate the misuse of the word ‘literally’ but there is NO OTHER WAY for me to express the magnitude of my feelings right now, so… yeah… death. Literally. Um, ya, so it’s Fawad Khan’s birthday and all, and he makes our ovaries explode and I’m not really coherent enough right now to say more, so just read the list to know why:

I mean lookatit. I don’t even need to look at the rest of his body (lol what a lie), because his face alone is doing things to me.
2. His eyebrow arch

He’s mastered the art of arching his eyebrow. Not only that, but he has the kind of eyebrows that would make 97.8% of the women I know very, very jealous. It is just not fair, know what I’m saying?
3. He’s our new romantic hero

Seriously, we’ve got a lot of young actors in Bollywood today, and while they’re all great in their own way, I think Fawad leads the pack when it comes to fitting the bill for a romance film. I’d put him up there with the Rajs and Rahuls of the world. After all, he started his Bollywood career as a Disney prince, so he’s already set the bar really high!
4. That voice

So deep. So sensuous. It’s like he’s cuddling me with his words. Have you heard him reciting romantic Bollywood dialogues? I just… I can’t. Unf.
5. His sense of style

How many men do you know who can pull off the man purse? HOW MANY?
6. He sings
And I would totally be okay with him serenading me anytime. Just putting that out there. Universe, do your thing.
7. He’s got a sexy, dirty grin

And it’s making me think dirty thoughts. Why is he undressing, oh my God? Why is this gif not longer?
8. He looks regal in ethnic wear

Traditional-wear makes most men look about 10x more handsome. So what happens when someone like Fawad Khan, who’s already so hot, dons ethnic wear?
9. He looks hot even when throwing shade

How, man?
10. He’s actually a really nice guy

Sometimes I think nice guys and hot guys are mutually exclusive, but this man shoots that misconception to hell. He gets to look like that and he’s actually a sweet, well-mannered guy who is totally in love with his wife. Yeah, I just thought I could we could all do with a reminder that he’s a happily married man.
Seriously though, happy birthday, Fawad Khan – we love you (clearly) and we can’t wait to see so much more of you in Bollywood!