We’ve all got that one boy, that super complicated thing (for the lack of a better word) we refuse to get rid of. And it’s not that easy to just brush it off with a little “To The Left, To The Left” as Beyonce would have us do. Plus, it only gets worse when we start drawing comparisons between him and Mr. Big to somehow excuse his erratic behavior. Ladies, as much as I worship Carrie Bradshaw, like most girls who grew up wanting that to-die-for closet, none of us want to admit that Aidan might have just been a more stable option. And since, realistically, we don’t live in the fabulous world of movies, your Mr. Big or Raj/Rahul/Rohit is most likely never going to change. And he definitely isn’t following you all the way to Paris, or even Bhatinda for what it’s worth. Here’s are 10 signs that prove why.
1. He Refuses To Define Your Relationship.

Okay, if he’s refused once, twice, thrice, then he’s just never changing. You might as well know it now. It’s just the science of life and boys. I’m serious.
2. Mixed Signals.

Oh, of course he can’t commit and you’re coming to terms with it, but out of the blue he’ll get flirty or call you bae and you’re all “aww, he loves me.” No. Chances are he’s drunk texting or just bored.
3. MAJOR Communication Issues.

Unless he’s a secret agent for the CIA or pulling some James Bond level shit, there’s no excuse for him to EVER say, “I love you, but it’s complicated” or any generic line followed by “but I can’t.”
4. He Makes You Feel Like S#!*.

He makes you feel anything, BUT strong, beautiful, and confident. And he doesn’t necessarily do it with words. You know how they say ‘actions speak louder than words?’
5. He Keeps Saying, “I’m A Nice Guy.”

Any guy who feels the need to say out loud that he’s a “nice guy,” isn’t a nice guy. End of story. I rest my case.
6.Your Best Friends Want To Throw A Drink At Him.

Or maybe they want to slash his tires, break his face … okay, I may be going a little overboard, but you get the point. You might be in denial, but trust your girlfriends. They’re great observers. They know how you deserve to be treated and this just isn’t how.
7. Let Me Guess, He Didn’t Call The Next Day?

If you find yourself left answering your own questions about last night’s “dirty deed” because somehow he doesn’t feel the need to acknowledge it, he’s a straight up douche. #justsaying #aintnobootycall
8. You Keep Running In Circles.

If you find yourself back at square one on multiple occasions … red flag! If that’s not a red flag, I don’t know what is.
9. He Blocks Your Path To Inner Peace.

You’ve purged your phone of all negativity (anything and everything that reminds you of him) and you’re this close to discovering inner peace, like a radar, he starts texting and calling all over again. No girl, just no. Continue on the path of inner peace, Buddha’s waiting around the corner.
10. An ex is an ex for a reason.

If you find yourself reading this post and going, “hmm… that sounds familiar,” I suggest you stop bringing him back into your life and mentally delete his existence. I usually refrain from Gossip Girl references, but heed the advice above. You’re always the caviar!
On a brighter note, I’m sure the right one is somewhere out there. You just have to remember to make some space. Got a toxic guy in your life? We’ve all been there. Do share!