Happy Birthday Mickey Mouse! For 86, you look rather young 🙂 The good news for all Indian fans of this mischievous mouse (I know there are millions) is that Mickey donned an Indian avatar for his latest short video and it’s adorable! You know you HAVE to check this out! In the video Mickey rides a rickshaw. How desi can it be? Watch, watch.
Fun, isn’t it? On that note, check out the 5 best quotes from adorable rodent which are actually life lessons!
1) Because laughter is indeed the best medicine!

2) Because everything is seemingly impossible till you actually do it!

3) Because one should always stay unique!

4) Because dreams are the best, don’t listen to Inception!

5) The best is reserved for last!

Haha, I know Mickey Mouse (or Walt Disney for that matter) hasn’t really said ‘S*&t Happens‘ but this picture was so perfect, I had to add it.
Tell me how important Mickey and his friends were for your childhood 🙂