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Did You Know You Could Do All THIS With Lavender Oil?

Did You Know You Could Do All THIS With Lavender Oil?

Devanshi Kapadia
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We’ve covered some very useful essential oils: coconut oil, castor oil, and almond oil for which I received some very positive feedback. But I’ve got so much more coming your way. This time, it’s lavender oil, because as someone who’s guilty of spending way too much on cosmetics, I love some cheap and chic beauty hacks. Here are 5 things you can do with lavender oil…

1) Sleepy Time

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Source: Tumblr

As we get older, insomnia, stress, and a whole bunch of factors contribute towards inconsistent sleep patterns. And I absolutely hate waking up the next morning feeling super groggy. If you’ve experienced this, then you’ve got to try lavender oil. No more resorting to a glass of wine or sleeping pills to put you to sleep. Go the natural way and just rub some lavender oil on your palms, then smooth some onto your pillow. You’ll definitely get a good night’s sleep.

2) Nausea

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Feel like you’re going to puke at any moment? Rub a little lavender oil behind your ears to alleviate the nausea.

3) Dandruff

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Rub a little lavender oil on your scalp once a week, before your shampoo routine to significantly reduce dandruff.

4) Cold Sores

Source: Flipkart

Yeah, they’re nasty! And if you want them gone, lavender oil can seriously reduce the appearance of cold sores.

5) Cuts & Burns

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Gently rub one or two drops on a cut or a burn. Lavender oil will soothe and disinfect the wound.

Another week, another multi-tasking oil. For those of you who love all things natural, stay tuned for a couple of more essential oil posts coming up! If this was helpful or if you know any other uses of lavender oil, do give us a shout out! 🙂