I love dogs – like, love, love them (far more than I like people) and so because it’s a happy Saturday and I suppose most of you guys are hungover, here’s a list of 10 dog memes that’ll make your day! This list will also prove why in the battle of dogs vs. cats, dogs will always win, because dogs are best, jaan lo…baat yeh maan lo. Okay sorry guys, read on!
1) Look at these cool dogs who are totally down with their Mean Girl references!
I’m sure the one with the pink collar is that group’s Regina George!
2) Look at this pug who is so good at horse riding!
They see me ridin, they hatin’!
3) Look at these dogs who expected honesty from their human caretakers
Never trust us humans, we’re horrible!
4) Look at this dog who CANNOT be messed with!
You can’t!
5) Look at these dogs who like their own version of Need For Speed!
The second one is killing me right now!
6)Look at this dog who cracks pathetic jokes
A lot like my brother, but despite that, I laugh.
7) Look at this dog who will fight the enemy
No matter what the cost is!
8) Look at this dog who’s like, ‘it’s just a game, you guys!’
A game where soft toys die…
9) Look at this dog who just wants one thing
Your heart!
10) And lastly, look at this dog who proves that dogs are the best animals in the world!