Carrie Bradshaw was my absolute favourite when I had first discovered Sex And The City (I was 12, don’t tell my mom). But now that I must have watched the show for the 7th time at least, Carrie has slowly been slipping from my absolute favourite to my least favourite character. Honestly, I’d rather be a Miranda Hobbes, Samantha Jones or even Charlotte York but not Carrie. This statement was not really the main point of this article (because why would you care which SATC character I would like to be eh?), anyway, the point of this article is that plot armor for Carrie Bradshaw was far too strong! Let’s list down some of the things only she could get away with while Samantha would have been judged, Miranda would have been called a ball breaker and Charlotte would have been termed needy!
1) Wearing this and roaming around the streets of New York!

Her dresses are iconic but sometimes (many times) Carrie overdoes it, just like her emotions she cannot handle her clothes sometimes (many times).
2) Sleeping with Big while he was married, still acting like a victim!

I know he’s Mr. Big and I know you guys are meant to be together but come on Carrie, he was married! Plus you cheated on one of the best boys in the series, Aidan to be with Big! On top of that you behaved like you’re a victim here. Not cool.
3) proceeding to ruin Big’s wife Natasha’s lunch!

Let the girl eat her lunch in peace woman! Food is necessary, food is happiness, food is life.
4) Showing more concern for her shoes than her life while getting mugged!

Priorities Carrie, priorities.
5) Horrible way of dealing with credit card debt!

How can you possibly afford the shoes with your ‘one column a week’ salary! Forget the shoes, how do you afford the apartment with that money? Why don’t I have any money like that? What is happening in this world? Where am I?
6) Wearing this and roaming around the streets of New York!

Only Carrie Bradshaw can get away with this.
7) Bullying Charlotte to help her pay off her debts!

Okay, this episode really really pissed me off. Bullying Charlotte into giving you her engagement ring so you can pay off your debts is pretty pathetic Carrie. However unhealthy it is for Charlotte to keep the wedding ring given by her ex-husband, it is not appropriate in any way to throw a tantrum if she doesn’t want to help her financially unreliable friend with money (i.e. you). Just no.
8) Forcing Big for the kind of commitment he was not capable of!

It took him 6 seasons Carrie, there is obviously something wrong there. But really only you can get away with being so needy.
9) Wearing this and roaming around the streets of New York!

My fashion choices are questionable too but this is borderline disturbing.
10) Sex and The City 2

Why was this even made? I was your faithful fan, you just broke my heart. 🙁