Last week, we told you about the problems that Jay-Z and Beyonce were having in their marraige. It turns out a young Muslim woman had recognized a flaw in Jay-Z and Beyonce in 2012! This was two years ago when everyone thought Jay-Z and Beyonce were the perfect power couple!

While most people were completely in love with the idea of Jay-Z and Beyonce, this young woman viewed Jay-Z’s songs and other contemporary musical lyrics as something that was objectifying women and tearing down their spirit. Many times, songs contain abusive lyrics that we choose to ignore and look over. However, these lyrics can be truly oppressive and hurtful to others. Check out this powerful video of a woman who was tired of seeing Jay-Z objectifying women and Beyonce letting it happen. As the video progresses so does her passion towards the subject! The most remarkable aspect about the whole video is that she had a completely different outlook regarding Jay-Z’s songs that most people would not have taken a stand against during his immense popularity!
Rather than simply ignoring the lyrics that were bothering her, this woman took a stand to use her voice and express exactly how she felt when she listened to these songs. Many of us may be guilty of simply listening to the beat and rhythm of a song and ignoring the hateful words that are being expressed. If there is one thing to gain from watching her video, it is to understand that the intellect of a woman is something that shouldn’t be overlooked. Like she says, “Does anyone even know that Beyonce is smart?”

Did you like what this young woman had to say? Was it a different perspective you hadn’t thought about before? Feel free to share what you have to say in the comments below!