So, after Robin Thicke’s surprise chartbuster Blurred Lines, which the world has loved since the past year (even if they admit otherwise), here’s a parody made by the super awesome Weird Al Yankovic. For the uninitiated, Weird Al Yankovic is an American singer-songwriter and a parodist, who revels in making light of popular culture and puts up hilarious parodies of famous songs, so why on earth would he not do something with Blurred Lines?

Army of the Grammar Nazi Rejoice!
To refresh your memory, here’s the original song:
And now, check out this version!
We feel that English teachers and suckers for good grammar (us) will be eternally thankful for this! What do you think?
Feel yourself getting far too happy because of this particular parody? Maybe you are a Grammar Nazi/Nerd (whatever floats your boat) if you relate too much to these points:
1) If this cracks you up

2) If this is how you actually feel like replying to e-mails

3) If you think correct grammar can actually save lives!

4) You are a part of the rare species that still uses the oxford comma

5) And if these are the words you live by!

Also, because we are talking about Blurred Lines, here are a few more hilarious parodies we found on the Internet!
1) This one by Jimmy Kimmel and his security guard Guillermo:
2) Another one by the king of music video parodies, Bart Baker:
3) A group of badass ladies from Full Frontal Freedom got together for this Women’s Rights parody of Blurred Lines!
4) This one with cougars, because why not?
5) The coolest one with role reversals (via Super Shot Comedy)
Sometimes, all you need in life is food, music and the wonderful Internet! Don’t you agree? Also, you’re welcome!
Thanks Andrea Brown for sharing Weird Al’s video with MissMalini!