Baba Siddiqui‘s Iftaar party got very interesting, as once again, Shah Rukh Khan and Salman Khan did their courtesy Ramadan hug. But that wasn’t it, there was also the opportunity for some good ol’ selfie taking – however, while the Khans were willing to pose for Baba Siddiqui’s photos, they were not so willing to do it for another person!
I hear that, at the party, there was an incident when a random person tried really hard to squeeze in between the two Khans to take a selfie with them. This was happening while the two were on either side of Baba Siddiqui, posing for photos for the paparazzi. However, Baba Siddiqui noticed this attempt and made his security guards push the guy aside before he could get too close.
Still, the guy very craftily tried to get pictures in from different angles, so I wonder if he succeeded in getting a photo he was happy with!