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Video: Watch Why This Adorable Kid Made His Mom Cry! #Heartwarming

Video: Watch Why This Adorable Kid Made His Mom Cry! #Heartwarming

Marv D'Souza
Cute kids tells mom about vegetarianism.

Awww! This kid totally made me smile. Watch this video to see this charming little child process his mom’s words about an octopus gnocchi she prepared. He then schools her on his views about killing animals for food. He politely asks questions and then applies his little innocent understanding to present his case toward vegetarianism. It moves her to tears.

I eat meat and love it. So I won’t get into the case of who is right. This picture here is much bigger. In the age of iPhones and apps, this little lad has his priorities straight in a line and he knows how to put it forward. Bless this adorable kid and his ma!

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