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Why Is #TheMistakesGuysMake Trending in Delhi?!

Why Is #TheMistakesGuysMake Trending in Delhi?!

Malini Agarwal
Twitter Trends
Twitter Trends

Twitter is a curious world isn’t it? 🙂 When I scanned tonight’s trends to see if EVERYONE is feeling the #FootBallFever I was amused to find that one of Delhi’s TOP 5 concerns was #TheMistakeGuysMake. *LOL* Well don’t worry Delhi boy – I’ve got your back! Just read this: 38 Reasons You’re Not Getting The Girl (According to Her!) and then watch my FIFA World Cup G+ Hangout on Fridays With MissMalini and let Brazilian hottie Bruna Abdullah teach you a thing or two about women.

Rule # 1: Your football is NOT your girlfriend 😛 – watch from 22 minutes in…. 😛