Ahahahahaha! I love Monday’s that start like this, don’t you? 😛 A pal of mine sent me this epic photo of a sign outside one of Tampa Bay’s many strip clubs taken during the IIFA 2014 weekend. As it turns out, Tampa has a HUGE strip club scene (aka Disneyland for adults) and I’m told pretty much every strip club had a sign like this out front that weekend! IN FACT a LOT of Bollywood folks decided to hit the strip clubs for the after party too! Oh the things they never tell you about our Bollywood boys & girls on desi TV. Naughty naughty! *Cue music*
Psst! Catch ALL the gossip from inside IIFA on my recap blog right here:
Inside IIFA Scoop! Star Tantrums, Wardrobe Malfunctions & Why Shah Rukh Khan Skipped The Show.