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10 Uday Chopra Tweets That Make About As Much Sense As His Movie Career

10 Uday Chopra Tweets That Make About As Much Sense As His Movie Career

Rashmi Daryanani

Today, during one of our random GChat conversations, MissMalini linked me to Uday Chopra‘s tweet about spotting a We <3 Uday car plate. We had a good giggle over that, and I started thinking about all those ridiculous tweets of his I keep seeing on my timeline – you know, the ones that make you want to bang your head against the wall (or wonder what exactly he’s on). We’ve all seen his #UdayChopraMadnessHour tweets, but trust me, this guy doesn’t need just one hour. One quick glance through his timeline is enough to prove that…


Having said that, he sure does seem to know what he’s doing…
