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Reinventing India, the @BandraRoad Way!

Reinventing India, the @BandraRoad Way!

Surelee Joseph
The bindi
The bindi

Fashion is all about innovation and creativity. There is so much to see, so many people to meet and so many cultures to explore and draw inspiration from.

India, one of the world cultures most rich in history and heritage, has long been insulated from the international world of fashion.  However, in the past 10 years, major fashion labels like Chanel, Hermes, and Versace have increasingly drawn inspiration from India and mixed our culture with their western sensibilities.

The bindi

Today, in modern times, the Bindi is a welcome addition to fashion – not only in the Indian culture, but also the west. The bindi is arguably the most visually fascinating of all forms of body decoration. With changing fashion, women try out many shapes and designs. We, as Indians, always associate the bindi as very traditional. Western fashionistas and celebrities alike, such as Gwen Stefani, Miley Cyrus and Vanessa Hudgens have given a very fashionable twist to the traditional Bindi.

The Bindi (photo | alagarconniere.wordpress.com)
The bindi (photo | mrcdhcsmmi.blogspot.in)

The nose ring

Nose rings have suddenly become a very cool statement piece in the west. However, it’s been around in India for centuries. Lots of young women in India have started piercing their nose and wearing studs. But maybe we can up the ante by making it a stand-out statement accessory.

Kendall Jenner took in the Coachella Music Festival wearing a cool nose ring with denim shorts and a white tank. The ring on her nose just makes her simple outfit really stand out.

Kendall Jenner

The Bali earring

There are so many different kinds of traditional Indian earrings, but the Bali is one of the most commonly worn earring.  So i thought I would try this out myself. Since I’m talking about reinventing Indian, I thought about taking my pair of Bali earrings and pairing it with a light denim shirt, jeans and sneakers. It’s a simple look that you can wear almost anywhere. If you’re feeling a bit Bohemian, then pair the earrings with a long skirt and tank top.

Surelee Joseph
Surelee Joseph

The Payal

Again, a very traditional Indian piece of jewellery. Since ancient times, the payal or anklet has been an important piece of jewellery for Indian woman. Even today, it has not lost its charm.

I decided to dress my traditional anklets a little bit differently. I’ve paired them with high waisted shorts, a t-shirt and white sneakers. Let everyone catch a glimpse of your payals by letting them fall over your sneakers a bit.

Surelee Joseph
Surelee Joseph
Surelee Joseph
Surelee Joseph

Traditional Indian jewellery and adornments have started to make their way into mainstream fashion and pop culture. Rather than the Westerners laying claim to taking this forward, we, as Indian women, should also embrace how cool, interesting, and fashionable our adornments can be in the modern age. So, look through your mother’s jewellery box and wardrobe – you are sure to find some great vintage pieces. Then, have some fun and try wearing your bindi, nose ring, earrings and payals in different ways with some of the western clothes from your closet. I’ve shown you some ways to put them together; we’d love to see what you come up with!

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