
Do you believe that beauty is a state of mind? We recently came across a Dove campaign that invited participants who felt anxious about the way they look to wear a custom-made “beauty patch” for two weeks, which would help them feel more beautiful. Participants reported that the patch helped improve their self esteem, but at the end it was revealed that there was nothing in the patch – the ladies felt more beautiful because they were convinced that they are. So, we decided to poll 25 women on what makes them feel beautiful. Here are the responses:

1. “Complimenting myself in the mirror.”

2. “An awesome selfie.”

3. “Running – it’s the best stress-reliever.”

4. “Being up in the mountains and realising that I’m alive and free and a part of this amazing planet. That’s all I need and will ever need – the world is my playground.”

5. “Having a long bath with fruity body washes.”

6. “Heels. Magically gives me more confidence.”

7. “Dancing. Nothing makes me feel more beautiful than dancing my heart out.”


8. “My music playlist makes me feel beautiful. Give me some Florence+The Machine, Bastille, Imogen Heap, Bjork, a dash of Placebo and I am happy. And for me happiness = beauty.”

9.  “Taking time off to do the things I want to. I became a mom recently, so it’s difficult to make time for myself. However, I am truly blessed to have a co-operative mom-in-law who makes sure I take a couple off hours off for myself every now and then to enjoy simple pleasures of life – be it going to a beauty salon, taking a walk, watching my favourite television show or meeting a friend over coffee. These are the things that make me feel beautiful and confident.”

10. “Compliments. They always help boost my self esteem.”

11. “When my daughter says I look like Cinderella.”


12. “When I take the time and really put myself together. The perfect outfit. Good hair days. But most importantly, when my boyfriend tells me I am the funniest person he knows.”

13. “I know I can be funny sometimes, and when people acknowledge that or tell me I’m funny or laugh at my jokes – that’s always a great feeling.”

14. “Nothing makes me feel as beautiful as wearing Indian clothes. I am constantly amazed by how our culture came up with those outfits and ways of wearing them that just seem to hide our flaws and make everyone look better.”

15. “Someone making me a part of what makes them happy – like the 100 Happy Days challenge.”

MAC Lipstick

16. “Red lipstick.”

17. “Wearing my favourite fragrance.”

18. “Being called sexy. Gorgeous, pretty, cute are all good words that make me smile – but sometimes, a woman just needs to be told she’s sexy.”

19. “Dancing to Single Ladies.”

20. “Shopping. And dressing up.”


21. “Candlelight. It’s always flattering.”

22. “Love.”

23. “Being loved.”

24. “A beautiful tussar silk saree with danglers.”

25. “Until a few months ago, I was not a red lipstick wearer or selfie-taker. That probably had to do with the fact that I was overweight, under-confident and generally complacent. At the beginning of the new year, I embarked on a lifestyle change – a healthier one with a nutritious diet plan and regular workouts. In turn, I felt energetic. With time, my skin started glowing, clothes started fitting me better, shopping became a regular feature. And I was happy. That was my state of being. I wake up every morning and take no make-up selfies, post workout selfies and new lipstick selfies. I feel beautiful and confident in my skin. And it was a matter of living life queen size.”

There are quite a few things you can tell from this list – one, feeling beautiful has to do with a lot more than just what you look like. Two, the small things matter the most. And three – how beautiful you feel is largely in your hands. Always remember that, because you are one beautiful woman.

What makes you feel beautiful? Tell us in the comments below!