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The 2 Decades of Andaz Apna Apna Drinking Game

The 2 Decades of Andaz Apna Apna Drinking Game

Rashmi Daryanani
Andaz Apna Apna
Andaz Apna Apna

So, as it turns out, Andaz Apna Apna doesn’t really complete 20 years today – the actual release date, according to IMDb, is November 4th, 1994! However, everyone’s already celebrating, and we don’t need a 20-year anniversary to bask in the brilliance that is perhaps India’s greatest comedy movie. So if you’re planning on rewatching this movie soon – which, by the way, you should ALWAYS be – then grab a bunch of your friends and some alcohol, and play our fantastic Andaz Apna Apna drinking game!

What you need:

Andaz Apna Apna DVD
A group of friends
Shot glasses
Lots of booze!

Everyone should have drinks before you pop in the DVD, and you’ll want to keep a tray of shots ready, too.

Andaz Apna Apna


1. Boys sip their drink every time Aamir Khan says “Haila!”

2. Girls sip their drink every time Salman Khan says, “Ooi maa!”

3. Everyone sips their drink every time someone makes a rhyme. The last person to reach for their drink (each time), must also take a shot.

4. Boys gulp their drink every time Bhalla says “smart boy.”

5. Girls gulp their drink every time Robert says “galti se mistake ho gaya.”

6. Everyone gulps their drink every time Robert and Bhalla’s plans backfire.

7. Whenever Crime Master Gogo calls himself “Mogambo ka bathija,” everyone in the room picks one person to take a shot. (The same person can be picked twice only IF everyone else in the room has already taken a shot during this line.)

8. Everyone in the room takes a shot during “Gogo ji, aapka ghagra.”

9. The tallest person in the room takes a shot during the “Teja main hoon, mark idhar hai,” dialogue.

10. The shortest person in the room takes a shot during the “Nahin, maine ye New York se liya hai, dialogue.

Andaz Apna Apna


We’re giving YOU the chance to win shot glasses and Andaz Apna Apna DVDs. All you have to do is write in the comments below with a funny rule for an AAA drinking game, and if we like your idea, we’ll send you these gifts to make your drinking game night happen!