Fans of Archie comics went berserk with shock and disappointment on social media all of yesterday after it was announced that everybody’s favourite (and eternal) teenager, Archie Andrews, would die in an upcoming issue of Life With Archie #36 which hits news stands in July 2014.
This is not a new marketing ploy, however. Even Marvel comics killed off Peter Parker in June 2011. But now, in April 2014, Peter Parker has been brought back to life in The Amazing Spiderman #1.
Says writer Dan Slott on the Marvel comics web page, “Did you really think we’d kill Peter Parker for good? Come on! He’s the greatest super hero of all time. He’s my drop-dead favorite character in all of fiction. Of course I’m not killing Peter Parker. Of course there was a trap door. Of course there was a way back. Of course there was a plan.”

But like the story line for Peter Parker, will there be a trap door for Archie Andrews? Will there be a way back (to life) for him? Is there a plan?
Yes! Apparently there is! And in typical Archie fashion, it’s quirky and fun.
spoiler alert

Archie Andrews will definitely be killed. He will be murdered, in fact, by a woman! And who is she? None other than Katy Keene, the fashion model who was created by artist Bill Woggon and who has inspired fashion designers from Calvin Klein to Michael Kors.
According to an update by Katy Keene artist, John Sterling Lucas, on a social networking site, the story line goes that Archie, Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge land a part in a film which stars Katy Keene and his character in the film turns into a zombie, only to be killed by the statesque model.
So no need to fret, Archie comic lovers! Your favourite “Carrot Top” will live on for many years to come.