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Mick Jagger Releases a Statement About Partner L’Wren’s Death

Mick Jagger Releases a Statement About Partner L’Wren’s Death

Karen Alfonso
Mick Jagger & L'Wren Scott
Mick Jagger & L’Wren Scott

The news of fashion designer L’Wren Scott’s suicide has left partner, Rolling Stones front man Mick Jagger devastated. He’s already canceled his tour in Australia and issued a statement on his personal website with a black and white picture of her stating:

Mick's tribute on the website
Mick’s tribute on the website

“I am still struggling to understand how my lover and best friend could end her life in this tragic way. We spent many wonderful years together and had made a great life for ourselves. She had great presence and her talent was much admired, not least by me. I have been touched by the tributes that people have paid to her, and also the personal messages of support that I have received.

I will never forget her,

The couple had been together for 10 years and had first met back in 2001.

Pix: Imagecollect.com