Those of you who caught the most recent episode of Koffee With Karan with Shahid Kapoor and Sonakshi Sinha would have noticed that Shahid took a slight dig at his ex-girlfriend Kareena Kapoor Khan. When the actress appeared on the show earlier this season, she mentioned (when asked) that Sonakshi Sinha would make a great housewife if she wasn’t acting. At the end of his episode with her, Shahid defended his current girlfriend by saying he thinks Sonakshi can be a lot more than a housewife. How did Kareena react to that, you wonder?
Well, while she didn’t take too kindly about Sonakshi saying she should be a gossip columnist, Kareena was otherwise fairly amused by the whole thing. I’m told that Bebo even called Karan Johar to discuss the episode and ask him for more gossip about what happened after the shoot. The actress even mentioned to a friend of hers that she finds this new pairing of Shahid and Sonakshi “amusing.” And yes, they are dating. Even though Shahid had claimed he doesn’t want to date an actress, he is currently seeing Sonakshi but keeping it private considering her conservative background.