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OMG! Did John Abraham Just Finally Admit He’s Married?

OMG! Did John Abraham Just Finally Admit He’s Married?

Rashmi Daryanani
John and Priya Abraham
John and Priya Abraham

There are many ways to break the news that you’re married, but instead of making a huge deal about it, John Abraham chose to do it in a subtle way. The actor, who was just in Los Angeles to bring in the New Year, tweeted wishes for a good 2014 to his followers and fans. But what’s most interesting is the way he ended it – “Love, John and Priya Abraham.” Not “John and Priya” or even “Priya and John Abraham” (which would have made it seem more likely that it was a mistake). He specifically referred to her as “Priya Abraham,” which we’re going to go ahead and take as an official confirmation of their marriage. Because that seems just a little too carefully worded to be a slip-up. 🙂


MissMalini still maintains, though, that they got married a long time ago and has been confirmed officially only now. John is currently on his way back to India, so further word from him (if any) will be forthcoming only once he has landed.

I also like how he made the announcement. He’s always said that he’s a very fuss-free kind of guy and doesn’t want to make a big deal about this relationship, so doing it via a tweet directly to his fans was a nice way of making the news public. Gotta hand it to him, too; a lot of celebrities are just returning from their vacations, but no one is going to return with a bang quite like he will! Nice one, John.

In any case, here’s congratulating the couple (officially, once again?) on their marriage. They do look super cute together, and John has seemed very happy (and rather zen!) since they first started seeing each other. It’s always nice to see when a love story works out. 🙂 All the best, John and Priya!