Yesss! The angry Armaan Kolhi just got what he deserved – EVICTED! As of today he is no longer in the running for the Bigg Boss crown. After having been arrested for physically assaulting Sofia Hayat, then released on bail and returning to the Bigg Boss house, Arman has FINALLY lost all public interest and credibility.
Obviously his doormat/girlfriend Tanisha Mukerji was super shocked, and my Industrywalla tells me for some reason Ajaz Khan was equally upset! (Say it with me, what a divo.)
This leaves Tanisha Mukerji, Andy Kumar, Ajaz Khan, Sangram Singh and Gauhar Khan in the running. So who do YOU think will survive the rest of the Bigg Boss shenanigans? Leave me your votes in the comments below…
Psst, my bet’s on Gauhar, she owns this!