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Shekhar Suman Finally Explains His Strange Movie Title

Shekhar Suman Finally Explains His Strange Movie Title

Ranjit Rodricks
Shekhar Suman, ArianaAyam, Amitabh Bachchan and Adhyayan Suman
Shekhar Suman, Ariana Ayam, Amitabh Bachchan and Adhyayan Suman

Actor Amitabh Bachchan was the guest of honour and officially launched Shekhar Suman‘s debut directorial venture, Heartless. The film stars Shekhar’s son, Adhyayan Suman and newcomer Ariana Ayam.

About why he called the film Heartless, Shekhar Suman said at the press briefing, “It’s becoming a heartless world where the heart has been replaced by credit cards or ATM machines; where everyone talks only about money. Heartless also means that you are suffering from a heart disease and are dying. Both these situations have been shown in the film. Someone is heartless because of his mentality and someone is heartless because of his health.”

Adhyayan Suman
Adhyayan Suman
Ariana Ayam

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Pix: Yogen Shah for MissMalini