Kareena Kapoor Khan is credited for the “size zero” phase that Bollywood went through at one point, and now it looks like she’ll be starting yet another fitness trend! While it’s almost a requirement for our heroes to have six-pack abs now, this is the first time that a heroine has been asked to build her abs for an upcoming film. For Karan Malhotra‘s Shuddhi, Kareena will be hitting the gym in a big way to get ready for her role. Once she wraps up all her commitments for Gori Tere Pyaar Mein in November, the actress will be training in martial arts to get her body ready for Shuddhi, which she will start shooting for in December.
Now I really want to know what her character will be like to warrant a six-pack – according to Karan Johar, it’s an “intense love story” with a “reincarnation theme,” so it’ll be interesting to see how this fits into that.
Are you looking forward to Kareena’s six-pack?