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Tarot Reading for Prince William & Kate Middleton’s Baby Boy

Tarot Reading for Prince William & Kate Middleton’s Baby Boy

Team MissMalini

With the whole world abuzz over the newborn Royal, we thought it would be fun to peek into the future of the UK’s youngest Prince. Here’s what the tarot cards have to say, courtesy the lovely Larra Shah.

Kate Middleton and Prince William (Photo by PR Photos)

A king is born!

This child will enjoy special privileges like that of a PRESIDENT including the title of KING.Born on the auspicious day of Guru Purnima, this child will have special spiritual wisdom, knowledge and will be benevolent.Children born in 2013 are Star children from the Crystal world, and are special as they will have more than 7 main chakras in their body. This makes them evolved souls with special abilities to make a better world. They work towards the betterment of the human race and relationships between different nations. They are basically peacemakers.According to Vedic astrology, the baby born to Kate Middleton and William Arthur Philip Louis is born at Raaj yog as Venus is very well placed in the 10th house, so his bhagya says he is born as a king, will live like a king and will reign like a king.  The baby’s chart supports his mom and dad’s luck, and he will enjoy the support of his parents, family and government. Raaj yog means a lavish, luxurious life but on the other side it can be lazy and over controlling. Hot headed due to planet Mars, he will be impulsive, intelligent and a multitasker. This child will have an  IQ above average and will be learned and very active, but distracted and de-focused very easily. As he matures in age he will gradually empower himself and do well.Physical: He will have a big physique and on the plumper side, his love for food will show.Warning: Extra care must be taken over the next 14 months for the health for the baby.Education / Career:  The baby will be learned and knowledgeable. He will have artistic abilities and a creative bend to everything. He will be successful in business and smart with his investments. He will have something to do with the Oil and Mining industries in the long run. He will have a passion for aircrafts and travel. His major academic subjects will be Economics and Political Science.Marriage: He will have a happy marriage and a wife with Mahalaxmi yog. She will enter his life and bring good luck.Special Role: He will take a lot of effort to build better relationships between all nations. At all levels, he will enjoy a special bond and love with dignitaries from around the world, especially from the UAE. He will travel extensively as he has Brahmand yog. He will be respected at an early age for his maturity. But he must remain grounded and surrounded by good advisors or else he could misuse his power after November 2032.He will play a very crucial role with the government of his country and will be involved in both internal and external affairs. He will make significant changes and advise the government on new policies for the betterment of the nation. He will keep the title of King and also may enjoy special priviledges like that of a President.According to Vedic Astrology the babies parents or mother must chant 3 mantras to mitigate any ill effects of the planets.