You guys, this is real life: there has been a new JK Rowling book out for months now and no one knew. Can you imagine? Fans of the Harry Potter series would do almost anything to get their hands on a book that contains unread words penned by this famous author, yet no one knew she’s written one and it’s been out in the market since April!
That’s only because JK published under a pseudonym – Robert Galbraith. The title of the book is The Cuckoo’s Calling and is a crime-thriller, one that has garnered several good reviews, even though it has sold only 1500 copies (can you imagine selling only 1500 copies after breaking records with your first set of books?). And if you’re wondering why she decided to write another name, here’s what she says:
“I had hoped to keep this secret a little longer because being Robert Galbraith has been such a liberating experience. It has been wonderful to publish without hype or expectation, and pure pleasure to get feedback under a different name.”

Crazy shit, guys. According to Leaky News, this was discovered when Richard Brooks (the arts editor of The New York Times) tweeted about loving the book and how it didn’t seem to come from a first-time author. Then, apparently, an anonymous person (who subsequently deleted their account) tweeted him saying that it was actually written by JKR. Richard did a little digging, bluntly asked the publishers, and then received notice that Rowling had agreed to reveal her identity. So… that happened. I found out immediately upon waking up on Sunday morning and my mind is still blown.
Where’s the nearest bookstore?