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Imam Siddique Takes Mumbai For a Ride

Imam Siddique Takes Mumbai For a Ride

Rashmi Daryanani
Imam Siddique
Imam Siddique & the rickshaw drivers

Imam Siddique sure is donning different roles these days. First, he played messenger via Facebook application, and today, he was a rickshaw driver!

Imam Siddique
Imam Siddique

If you took a rickshaw from Khar station this morning, you may have been surprised to see that your driver was Imam Siddique – or rather, a rickshaw-wallah donning an Imam mask! Basically, 400 rickshaw drivers were given masks with Imam’s face on them, and will be driving around the city while wearing them for today. So if you’re grabbing a rickshaw to get home early from the crazy rain we’re having today, you never know – your driver may be “Imam”!

Psst if you’re wondering, this is all promotion for his upcoming show, Time Out with Imam, which premieres on July 14th at 7pm on MTV.