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Why is John Abraham Uncomfortable Posing with Priya Runchal?

Why is John Abraham Uncomfortable Posing with Priya Runchal?

Team MissMalini
Priya Runchal and John Abraham
Priya Runchal and John Abraham

It’s very rare to spot John Abraham and Priya Ranchal in public. So when the couple were spotted at the Mumbai airport yesterday, our photographer happily clicked away, much to John’s visible discomfort!

Priya Runchal and John Abraham
Priya Runchal and John Abraham

The couple did not pose together and Priya totally avoided looking at the camera. We wonder why? Any guesses?

Priya Runchal
Priya Runchal
John Abraham
John Abrahamal

And by the way, we love John’s mint-green linen shirt and linen pants rolled up at the ankles. So casual chic!

Pix: Yogen Shah for MissMalini