While Jacqueline Fernandez has now been signed on as the lead for Vikram Singh‘s Roy opposite Ranbir Kapoor, word was doing the rounds earlier that Deepika Padukone had backed out of the project due to date issues. However, in a recent statement the actress clarifies that “date issues” wasn’t the reason at all.
Deepika Padukone says:
“If I am letting go of a movie, there might be other reasons. If I really like a script, the producer and I can always work around dates. I have taken up only as much work as I can accommodate.”
So what were her reasons for saying no to the film then, we wonder? Whatever they are, we’re guessing work is not really on her mind at the moment – we’re told she’s planning a vacation with family since she hasn’t gotten to spend much time with them due to a busy schedule. She calls them her strength and says she’s thankful that they never complain, but understand that she’s busy and doesn’t have much time to give them. Well, guess she’ll give it to them now; here’s hoping she enjoys her time off!