I have a question. Does anyone understand this ad?! Ok it’s Shah Rukh Khan looking hot and sweaty – check. There’s a bottle of Frooti – check. The song is pretty catchy – check. All the soccer boys gets googly-eyed and drooly and I’m somehow left wondering if I’ve missed the punchline… anyone?
Aamaletiya stavin crata pile pila
Aamaletiya merlucchiya pile pila
Inlorpotamanta tora tut tut tiya
Less so less in nina amichiya strala
Aamalitiya stavin crata pile pila
Aameletiya merlucchiya pile pila
Aamalitiya stavin crata pile pila
Aameletiya merlucchiya pile pila
Aamalitiya stavin crata pile pila
Aameletiya merlucchiya…
Beautiful and lovely mango, to us highly starving people,
you will act as pile of batteries to recharge,
Beautiful and lovely mango, you are partly wicked,
you will act as pile of batteries to recharge,
We are salivating greatly agreed,
from unpleasant fighting people,
we become happiest person in the world,
As it is getting over, like a little girl, it is emitting eternal love,
Beautiful and lovely mango, to us highly starving people,
you will act as pile of batteries to recharge – 4
Beautiful and lovely mango, you are partly wicked…
Aam: Hindi, Mango
Letiya: Urban Lingo, Beautiful person, lovely heart
Stavin: Short for starving
Crata: French, might/strength
Pile: Spanish, batteries
Pila: Italian, Pile
Mer: An affix meaning “part”, used in chemistry
Lucchi: Hindi, wicked
Lor: Singapore Lingo, Agree
Pota: Uraban Lingo, Salivating
Manta: Spanish, Great Size
Tora: Japanese, Quarrel
Tut-tut: Urban Lingo, Disapproval
Tiya: Urban Lingo, Happiest person in the world.
Nina: Spanish, Little girl
Ami: Italian, Love
Chiya: Japanese, Eternal
Strala: Swedish, To radiate light
Ok, still don’t get it. WTF.