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Hot or Not? Rihanna Does Double Denim

Hot or Not? Rihanna Does Double Denim

Karen Alfonso
Rihanna (photo courtesy | celebrity-paradise)
Rihanna (photo courtesy | celebrity-paradise)

Rihanna stepped out for some shopping, outfitted in a denim-on-denim look. While overwhelming to some, Ri-Ri manages to make this work. A black leather trucker hat, cat-eye sunglasses, and nude heels could only come together for her off-beat style.

Rihanna (photo courtesy | celebrity paradise)
Rihanna (photo courtesy | celebrity paradise)

Also got to mention that I love those Chanel brooches on her!

How would you rate this look?

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Pssst – Can you identify the tattoo peaking out from her shirt? See our guide to all of Rihanna’s ink!