To me, every day is Women’s Day – and yes, I celebrate it everyday! Why? Because, my boss is a woman (MissMalini)! Three of my fave colleagues (Amruta Khatavkar, Karen Alfonso, Rashmi Daryanani) are women! My bestest friends (Achla Sachdev, Srishti Kumar) are women! And I have three little girls in my life who I love to death – my two baby nieces (Anais and Mira Albert) and my friend’s baby daughter (Tvisha Sahetia).
All these lovely ladies are the “sugar and spice and all things nice” that we were brought up to believe in. And so, to celebrate their womanhood today, I thought we’d begin the festivities by listing to some anthems of woman power, which all the women in my life define (and live) in every moment of their lives.
Salute, ladies!