The evening began on such a cinematic note, our drive to the hotel was lit up by lightening and just as we entered the grand lobby of the Leela Palace thunder and rain descended on Delhi.
We were ushered into what was reminiscent of a French boudoir, vanities lined the walls and the models, decked in ensembles by Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna were preening themselves in the mirrors.
The designer duo, were also hosts of the evening. The occasion? The launch of Tigre Blanc, a super premium French vodka. And that’s not an exaggeration!

Tigre Blanc is about love, decadence and opulence, and all these were in excess through the evening with a whole ballroom done like a 1920’s burlesque club. The fashion community, which one thought would be exhausted post-WIFW was a buzz and present in full form. Overheard was one leading designer exclaiming to another “I don’t know how we do it, I don’t know how we’re out again, will it ever stop?” “Why would you want it to darling? What would be the point of anything then, if not to celebrate life?” they brought their glasses together, made an impromptu toast, and laughed. In retrospect, I guess they had a point.

I followed everyone as they hobnobbed into the next room, where we found a large rouge and sparkly black bed, decorated with even more models lounging in some more provocative Rohit & Rahul. The crowd was revving, as if they were preparing for the weekend in Bombay to come, in the way that they do best, with a drink in one hand and the other around someone else, their feet tapping to the music. The music, which by the way was live jazz from, rising fusion artists Adil & Vasundhara was melodious and sway worthy. Celebrity mixologist, Ulric Nijs served the crowd some delicious cocktails my favourites were the ‘Forbidden Fruit’ and ‘Je t’aime’ , which is how I felt towards Tigre Blanc towards the end of the evening.
What I loved about the night? The hedonistic vibe created by all the beautiful people, the delicious drinks, the decadent décor, and even the sumptuous music. Here’s my round up of my favourite moments from the extravagant evening.
1. The many, many, many Louboutin’s. Let’s be real? There is never enough.

2. The always yummy Dino Morea.

3. Renaud Dutriel the founder and Pascale Ahmad Head of Marketing’s candid tête-à-tête on the bed, designed by Rohit & Rahul

4. Leather and bondage-esque clothing. Three’s a trend right?

5. Models caught indulging on camera. Who say’s we can’t feed them? (If this doesnt work, got models on the bed lounging.)

6. Glowing smiles, death stares and nonchalant glances, Dheeraj Puri, Punit Juneja, Niamat Bakshi, Rohit Bal, Priya Sachdev.

7. The effervescent co-hosts of the evening, Rohit Gandhi & Rahul Khanna, they even had some some words for all of you Miss Malini fans!