At the Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani trailer launch, Deepika Padukone mentioned that Aditya Roy Kapur went through “torture” while shooting the film – apparently Ranbir Kapoor was such a big prankster on sets and he would often make Aditya his target. We hear one such pranking incident also involved Kalki Koechlin and a little alcohol!
There’s a scene in the film where Kalki and Aditya were required to drink from shot glasses. As is the norm, water was poured into those glasses and the scene was set up. But Ranbir had other plans in mind and decided to replace the water with actual vodka – we’re told that Aditya and Kalki’s expressions were priceless when they downed the contents and realized that it was an actual vodka shot they’d just had!
Pix: Yogen Shah for MissMalini.