Every year, Hrithik Roshan and his family visit the Shiv mandir at Apta in Raigad for Maha Shivratri celebrations. The temple was built by Hrithik’s nana J Om Prakash, and hence the family drives down every year for puja and to feed the people in the area. This year, though, it seemed like Hrithik couldn’t make it as he had to shoot for Bang Bang with Katrina Kaif. But once his grandfather heard this, he immediately asked Hrithik to ensure he attends – it was the 25th anniversary of the temple and hence he wanted the entire family to be there for the puja. In true good boy fashion, Hrithik agreed and drove down with his family 🙂 Have a look at pictures from their celebrations!
Pix: Yogen Shah for MissMalini.